Detector Ltd has invested in sustainability and the environment by acquiring solar panels

Solar panels derive their energy from sunlight, which in turn is a renewable energy source. This reduces dependency on fossil fuels, leading to decreased greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

A total of 104 units of 420 W solar panels were installed on the roof of Detector Ltd, resulting in an impressive, combined capacity of 44 kW for the solar power plant. Even on cloudy days, this capacity is sufficient to cover the energy needs of Detector Ltd and the tenants within the property. On sunny days, surplus responsible electricity is sold to nearby businesses on the street. Thanks to this investment, Detector Ltd can offer its customers gas detectors with a smaller carbon footprint. The solar panels come with a 87.4% performance guarantee even after 30 years, making the investment long-lasting and aligned with sustainable development.

Our goal is to annually reduce our carbon footprint. Solar panels are part of this objective. While it’s true that the manufacturing and installation of solar panels require energy and resources, resulting in emissions, clean energy allows us to offset these negative effects easily and swiftly.

Solar panels make us somewhat self-sufficient in terms of our electricity consumption and enable us to reduce it over the long term. Additionally, the advantages of solar panels include a decrease in environmental impacts such as noise and air pollution, ultimately reducing the burden on the environment.

From a product development perspective, solar energy production is an advancing field, likely to influence new ideas and even employment opportunities. Innovations in this sector also promote the green economy, which aligns with our operational goals.

We have chosen to harness solar energy as an environmentally conscious action, using it thoughtfully and sustainably – even when the panels reach the end of their life cycle and proper disposal becomes necessary.

Additional information

Sami Heinonen

Chief executive officer (CEO)

+358 50 302 66 84